Crossplay FAQ
February 7, 2025
Note: This is a re-publishing of a news article that was first published in September 2022. It has been copied to the Help Articles section for easier access.
We understand that you might have a lot of questions about the game right now, concerning the Microsoft Store, Xbox, Game Pass, or crossplay. We have collected some of the most important ones here, but if you can't find your answer please don't hesitate to contact us. More generic questions you might find an answer to in our regular FAQ.
How can I join friends who own the game on a different platform?
When you start a server through the game or by hosting a dedicated server, you’ll be able to see a “Join code” by entering the pause menu. Copy the code by simply clicking on it and send it to your friend! Your friend will then have to head over to the “Join Game” section, press “Add server” and paste the code.
I bought the game through the Microsoft Store and want to set up a dedicated server, how do I do that?
To launch a dedicated server you’ll need to navigate to the ‘Server’ folder that will be created when you install the game and run the ‘StartHeadlessServer.bat’ file. Before launching the server, we strongly recommend you to read the ‘Valheim Dedicated Server Manual’ found in the same folder.
If you have the game through the Microsoft store your files will be stored in the following folder: C:\XboxGames\Valheim\Content\Server
How do dedicated servers work on Xbox?
You can't set up a dedicated server on an Xbox. However, you can join a dedicated server from an Xbox console just as normal, provided that both your Xbox and the server have crossplay enabled. If you can't find the option to enable crossplay, you might need to adjust your parental control settings.
If I buy the game on Microsoft Store, will I also be able to play it on Xbox?
Yes, and vice versa!
I already own the game on Steam. Am I able to launch the game through Microsoft Store?
No. These are two separate platforms. You can still play with your friends from different platforms though!
What’s the difference between the Microsoft Store, Xbox and Steam versions?
There’s no difference between the versions. All versions of Valheim will continue to be updated at the same pace.
I bought the game on a platform I don’t like. Can I get a refund so I can buy the game on a different platform?
Refunds are decided by each platform, and you are subject to their terms of purchase when you buy the game. Please contact the customer service for the platform you purchased from regarding refunds.
Why did you spend time on adding crossplay to the game instead of working on new content?
The people working on the Microsoft and Xbox port are from two separate teams from external companies (Piktiv and Fishlabs). Internally here at Iron Gate Studio we’re still focused on creating new content for the game.
Are there ever any preview builds available that I can help out testing?
If you play on Steam you can help us out via the Public Test Branch. In order to opt in, please read the instructions here. If you play through the Microsoft Store or on Xbox you can opt into the Flight version of the game. To do this, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Navigate to ‘Previews’, and then find ‘Valheim Public Test’. Select ‘Join’. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store and then install ‘Valheim Public Test’. Please leave your feedback in our Discord server, in the specific #public-test-feedback channel there. You will need to react to the post in #rules-and-info in order to get access to this channel. Remember that these versions of the game will likely be less stable than the default version of the game.
I’ve found a bug/issue. Where can I report such findings?
Go to our support page and fill in the appropriate form there! Please make your report in English, and make sure to include as much information about the issue as you are able.